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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes 06/05/2007
Town of Lenox
Historic District Commission
June 5, 2007
Land Use Meeting Room

Draft emailed on June 6, 2007.  Please review for accuracy prior to the next meeting and notify me as soon as possible.  The corrections can then be made in advance.

Members present:  Chair Ken Fowler (KF); Kate McNulty Vaughan (KM-V); Elaine Steinert (ES)
Absent with notification:  Jason Berger (JB)

Spencer Hopton, sign at 38 Church St., Map 43 Parcel 158.  Mr. Hopton is establishing a retail business for board games.  He wishes to install a double sided wood sign, painted on a flat surface, which measures 33” by 26”.  

ES made a motion to approve the sign as presented and KM-V seconded the motion.  The Commission approved 3-0.

(The following sign applications are for the same building. It was decided to hear the presentations at the same time as both businesses share a common porch, but each has a separate entrance.)

Aurora Vinhais, sign at 30 A Church St., Map 43 Parcel 160.  Ms. Vinhais is establishing a retail business, Don Peligrad Gallery, for jewelry and art.  The proposal is for an all wood sign to be placed on a free standing post, twelve inches from the sidewalk.  The post height is 60 inches and the sign, brown with silver lettering will measure 24 inches by 36 inches.  The lettering will appear engraved.

KM-V made a motion to approve the sign as presented and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission approved 3-0.

David Schneider, sign at 30-B Church St., Map 43 Parcel 160.  Mr. Schneider is establishing a new business, Trillium, for flowers and gifts.  He wishes to place his sign on the right hand corner of the building, perpendicular to the street.  It will be double sided, smaller than the allowed 2’ by 3’ size.  

KM-V made a motion to approve the sign as presented and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission approved 3-0.

Megan Reisel, sign at 17 Franklin Street, Map 43 Parcel 83.  (KM-V disclosed that Ms. Reisel is a personal friend.  The Rule of Necessity was invoked in order to have a quorum.)  Ms. Reisel is moving her business from Walker St., the Bishop Building, to the new location.  She is proposing a new sign that measures 24” by 30” to be placed on a pre-existing post.  She described the sign as looking similar to the sign for New Dawn, a neighboring business.  It will be painted wood.  

ES made a motion to approve the sign as presented and KM-V seconded the motion. The Commission approved 3-0.

Other business:

        Sign violations:  The Commission discussed the process for handling violations.  KM-V offered to research the process.   She will look into the Town Bylaw, penalties for violations, and the role of the HDC, Building Inspector and Board of Selectmen.

        Historical Commission: On June 8, 2007, the HC will be touring Lenox with Chris Skelly of the Massachusetts Historical Commission and has extended an invitation to the HDC.  They are seeking suggestions as to how the HC should proceed in preservation of the Town of Lenox.  KF stated he would like to have a representative from the HDC to participate.  He will contact the HC to find out the meeting location and advise the other members.

        Dish: Francis Baczek is the new owner of Dish and he wants to improve the signage.  KF has spoken to him and answered questions.  A formal application has been submitted and is to be heard on June 19, 2007, but the application is lacking in detail.  KF will contact Mr. Baczek and advise so that a complete application will be made available.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola